China, the world's largest automobile market, is expected to have more than 300 million registered automobiles by the end of this year, an official with the China Associati...
The Cannes Film Festival will decide by the end of the month whether they can hold this year's event in May as scheduled or postpone to sometime between July 5-25, according to reports. 话说回来,对于中国影院而言,这个迟到的春节档意义重大。 对不少网...
中国人常说:“做事要有始有终”。“有始有终”,汉语成语,字面意思是有开头也有收尾(have a beginning and an end),比喻做事能坚持到底。可以翻译为“carry something through to the en...
· The End ·
4月26日,桃乐丝生前参与的最后一张专辑《In the End》终于发布。 《In the end》专辑封面 感谢现代文明,让我们可以用各种各样的方式与逝去的人沟通。古人慨叹“人死如灯灭”,即使留下文...
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